Fabiano Speziari is a designer and artist and experiments with different materials and techniques with a guiding philosophy: to investigate the human soul, the relationship with nature and the environment around him.

Initially he creates trees and natural forms, made on canvas, or small and strange animals in resin. He then devoted himself to land art and installations in nature for a few years, moving on to using light and defined geometric shapes. He created the “Message in a pencil” series, large light pencils that convey messages. At the same time he develops the idea of agglomerates, housing modules that represent the home and human life relegated to an urban and massified environment.

Since 2018 he has been interested in the world of cryptoart and began to experiment with digital art. To date he works in this world with a project called Clods. A series of small clods, the only remaining parts of the destroyed planet, on which the survivors try to rebuild an existence.


2024 “Nft Paris” – (Paris), curated by Perpetua Gallery and The Builders Dao

2024 “Links Between Wolds” – Social Hub (Florence) IT, curated by Dimensions Dao

2023 “Ca Sent Le Crypto-Sapin!” – (Paris), curated by NFT Factory

2023 “Ombre d’Arte” – (Venice) IT, curated by Cryptoartitalia

2023 “Not Built In A Day” – Maison Bosi (Rome) IT, curated by Serena Tabacchi

2023 “Agorà” (Bordighera – IM) IT, curated by Fabio Falone

2022 “Graphic Days” – Cavalerizza Reale (Turin) IT

2022 “Nft Revolution” curated by 0x4rt for the Next World Forum in Riyadh

2022 “Nft New York 2022 2022” – (New York)

2022 “Dystopian Pencil” solo exhibition – Entropia Design Gallery (Turin) IT

2022 “Agorà” (Bordighera – IM) IT, curated by Fabio Falone

2021 “Cryptoart Revolution” – Moca (Paris)

2021 – 2022 “Cryptoart Is Now 2121” – Museo della Permanente (Milan) IT, curated by Serena Tabacchi

2021 “Dreamverse x Metapurse” – (Manhattan – New York) USA

2021 “Dystopian Visions” – CAMBI Auction House (Milan) IT

2018 “Unique” artist’s book – Villa Biener Arte Contemporanea (Cipressa – IM) IT

2017 “Gallery Sweet Gallery Outdoor” Installation and Land Art – (Mariano Comense – CO) IT, curated by Elena Isella

2017 “Bosco Arte Stenico” Installation and Land Art – (Trento) IT, Mention for innovation

2017 “When Nature Becomes Art” Installation and Land Art – (Bellissimi – Dolcedo – IM) IT

2017 “Installation and Land Art” – (Sancto Lucio de Coumboscuro – CN) IT

2016 “U N-A Urban Nature Art” – Rock Garden, Valentino Park (Turin) IT

2015 “Autumn Landart Festival” II° Alf – (Pieve di Teco – IM) IT, curated by Arrogna Naturarte

2014 “Autumn Landart Festival” I° Alf – (Pieve di Teco – IM) IT, curated by Arrogna Naturarte

2012/2016 “Arrogna Naturarte” – (Pieve di Teco – IM) IT, founder with Patrizia Barnato of the path of installations, land art and sculptures

2012 “Be Smart Buy Art!” – Spazio San Giorgio – (Bologna) IT

2011 “Tra Arte Moda e Design” – “Night of the contemporary ” – Cristiani Gallery, Palatina 13 (Turin) IT

2011 “Unitamente” solo exhibition – Museo Castello della Civiltà Normanna (Ariano Irpino – AV) IT, curated by Massimiliano Alberico Grasso

2011 “Mutevoli Forme” solo exhibition – Gallery A3artecontemporanea (Salerno) IT

2011 “1 Di Due” – Artemax Gallery (Naples) IT, curated by Massimiliano Alberico Grasso

2011 “Taste – Il Senso del Gusto” – Degli Zingari Gallery (Rome) IT, curated by Massimiliano Alberico Grasso

2011 to present “Micro2 Project” – (Milan) IT, curated by Anna Epis and Aldo Torrebruno

2011 “Imbusta l’Arte” – White Art Gallery (Merano – BZ) IT, curated by Fabio Bartolozzi. Winning work “White space with hole”

2010 “Cooming Soon” – White Art Gallery (Merano – BZ) IT, curated by Fabio Bartolozzi

2010 “OH POP!” – White Art Gallery (Merano – BZ) IT, curated by Fabio Bartolozzi

2009 “Progetto So.Si-Te” – (Vigonza – PD) IT, artist’s chair selected and exhibited for the competition “Intrecci Contemporanei”

2007 “Book Fabrica” – Shanghai Art Museum


2023 “ArtsLife” – https://artslife.com/2023/09/05/fabiano-speziari-lessere-umano-si-pone-domande-su-cio-che-lo-circonda-ma-spesso-non-sa-rispondere/

2022 “Fare business con gli NFT e il metaverso” by Alessandro Brunello

2021 “Class” (Aprile 2021)

2021 “Domus Web” – https://www.domusweb.it/it/arte/gallery/2021/10/11/mikes-maze-un-videogioco-che–unopera-darte-1.html

2013 “Arrogna Naturarte” Catalog 2012/2013

2010 “Post-avant-garde” Editorial Catalog Giorgio Mondadori